2020 PSU Video Contest RESULT
Advanced (KOR401,402)
- 1st place (1 student): Bang_Jung Eek
- Class: KOR402
- Email: jzb5797@psu.edu
- Video title: 영화 “택시 운전사” 와 5.18 광주 민주화 운동 (Film A Taxi Driver and the 5.18 Kwangju Uprising)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU4a6RDAn8k&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=JungEekBang
- 2nd place (2 students)
- Class: KOR401
- Email: ksc45@psu.edu
- Video Title: 한국식 치킨 (Korean Fried Chicken)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/hfc7ttGzwCE
Beaderman_Camilla L
- Class: KOR402
- Email: clb6314@psu.edu
- Video Title: 영화 “덕혜 옹주” 와 일제 강점기 (Film Princess Deokhye and Colonial Korea)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/mLJH9L7jNcA
- 3rd place (2 stdeutns)
- Class: KOR401
- Email: lhl5078@psu.edu
- Video Title: 한국의 구미호 문화 (Korean Folk Tale “Nine-tailed Fox” and Korean Culture)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/AfqEZsBzgeA
Choe_Myeong Hwak
- Class: KOR402
- Email: mqc6137@psu.edu
- Video Title: 영화 ’82년생 김지영”과 한국의 성차별 문제 (Film Born 1982, Kim Jiyoung and gender inequality in Korea)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/csBZeEHNZu0
- Acha award (1 student): Bodnar_Rachel
- Class: KOR401
- Email: rab6092@psu.edu
- Video Title: 한국의 점술 (Korean Fortune telling)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/uqv55dB-Byg
- Popularity award (1 student): Kim_Andrew K
- Class: KOR402
- Email: avk5839@psu.edu
- Video Title: 영화 “암살”을 통해 보는 일제 강점기 (Film Assassin and Colonial Korea)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/2X0RU9GuunA
Intermediate (KOR3 & KOR 110)
- 1st place (1 student): Alturki_Sara
- Class: KOR110
- Email: saa5785@psu.edu
- Video title: 사우디와 한국의 결혼 문화 (Wedding Cultures of Saudi Arabia and Korea)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/EhEo6GPW27A
- 2nd place (2 students)
Zakaria_Asma Safiyyah
- Class: KOR3
- Email: axz5211@psu.edu
- Video Title: 한국 요리소개- 부대찌개 (Korean Food, Budae Chigae)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/d8_B2EbmM64
- Class: KOR110
- Email: jas8518@psu.edu
- Video Title: 한국과 미국의 유명한 관광명소 (Famous Tour sites in Korea and the US)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRDG9Cr2iWc
- 3rd place (3 students)
- Class: KOR110
- Email: xxs71@psu.edu
- Video Title: 판소리 (P’ansori)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFy82XNKszI
- Class: KOR3
- Email: sfa5398@psu.edu
- Video Title: 삼각 김밥 만들기 (How to make traiangular-shaped kimbop)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/8QEWfVEEEsY
- Class: KOR3
- Email: dar5283@psu.edu
- Video Title: 비빔밥 만들기 (Making Bibimbop)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yokfegrsLiA&ab_channel=David
- Acha award (1 student): Chen_Yuran
- Class: KOR3
- Email: yqc5564@psu.edu
- Video Title: 한국 요리 소개-비빔밥 (Introducing Bibimbop)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/PKSIAy7QibQ
- Popularity award (1 student): Christ_shannon
- Class: KOR3
- Email: sfc5257@psu.edu
- Video Title: 비빔밥 쉽게 만들기 (A simple recipe of Bibimbop)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/SjC9Uoq9-kA
Beginner (KOR2)
- 1st place (1 student): Muhamad Lutfi_Rahmah Hayati
- Class: KOR2
- Email: rjm6617@psu.edu
- Video title: 좋아하는 한국 영화 82년생 김지영 (My favorite film Born 1982, Kim Jiyoung)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRQSXkZE5ag&list=PL4u9OE4Q0-hkm3y0zT8b4cPuaFKuRWiwY&index=12
- 2nd place (2 students)
- Class: KOR2
- Email: maa6535@psu.edu
- Video Title: 응답하라 1988 드라마 통한 한국 고등학생의 생활 (TV Drama Reply 1988 and the life of Korean high school students)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le7zEeesChY&list=PL4u9OE4Q0-hkm3y0zT8b4cPuaFKuRWiwY&index=16
- Class: KOR2
- Email: jcs6475@psu.edu
- Video Title: 한국의 사투리 (Korean dialects)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GX5anOpJRk&feature=youtu.be
- 3rd place (2 students)
Oo_Aung Nay Htet
- Class: KOR2
- Email: aqh5621@psu.edu
- Video Title: 너의 버스 운전사가 될거야 (I will be your bus driver)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEnJVaaSI-g&list=PL4u9OE4Q0-hkm3y0zT8b4cPuaFKuRWiwY&index=13&t=6s
- Class: KOR2
- Email: sfy5148@psu.edu
- Video Title: 제가 좋아하는 한국 드라마 & 한국 드라마랑 중국 드라마의 다른점 (Differences between Korean and Chinese TV dramas)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duxkDI7IWnQ&list=PL4u9OE4Q0-hkm3y0zT8b4cPuaFKuRWiwY&index=25
- Class: KOR2
- Email: agh141@psu.edu
- Video Title: 한국의 전통 옷 – 한복 (Traditional Korean dresses: Hanbok)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74vAKNAHhZI&list=PL4u9OE4Q0-hkm3y0zT8b4cPuaFKuRWiwY&index=3
- Acha award (1 student): Vyra_Kyra
- Class: KOR2
- Email: kev5123@psu.edu
- Video Title: 한국의 전통 결혼 (Traditional Korean wedding)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=370Ca-u_-1c
- Popularity award (1 student): Packowski_Isabella & Karns, Lauren
- Class: KOR2
- Email: igp5023@psu.edu, lmk6015@psu.edu
- Video Title: 한국 음악 (Korean Music)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v68S32VIgkU&list=PL4u9OE4Q0-hkm3y0zT8b4cPuaFKuRWiwY&index=9
Novice (KOR1)
- 1st place (1 student): Oulimata Sow
- Class: KOR1, Section 7
- Email: ops5045@psu.edu
- Video title: 나의 하루 (My daily life)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/IstAYmkhSxE
- 2nd place (3 students)
- Class:KOR1, Section 2
- Email: ymw5234@psu.edu
- Video Title: 저의 하루 (My daily life)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZryUsnmOL0&list=PL4u9OE4Q0-hkVL8UTZjT6hkO5kYn2jr4h&index=10
Ling_Chin Kai
- Class: KOR1, Section 5
- Email: lzc5542@psu.edu
- Video Title: 나의 화요일 (My Tuesday)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJm_BTZEtkE&feature=youtu.be
- Class: KOR1, Section 7
- Email: yvd5178@psu.edu
- Video Title: 나의 목요일 (My Thursday)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXSqd_HP2dY&feature=youtu.be
- 3rd place (4 students)
- Class: KOR1, Section 5
- Email: cmk5985@psu.edu
- Video Title: 나의 하루 (My daily life)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssJ8XL9Kczo&feature=youtu.be
- Class: KOR1, Section 5
- Email: cjk6072@psu.edu
- Video Title: 나의 하루 (My daily life)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj52xkOpnyw&feature=youtu.be
- Class: KOR1, Section 7
- Email: hpb5123@psu.edu
- Video Title: 나의 방학 (백두산 여행) (My vacation in Paekdu Mountain)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/lo-8VcrFmAg
- Class: KOR1, Section 2
- Email: jxl469@psu.edu
- Video Title: 나의 하루 (My daily life)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9GwKvcOAHg&list=PL4u9OE4Q0-hkVL8UTZjT6hkO5kYn2jr4h&index=3&t=1s
- Acha award (2 students):
- Class: KOR1, Section 2
- Email: rml5869@psu.edu
- Video Title: 나의 하루 (My daily life)
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JsbdLQ-vv4&list=PL4u9OE4Q0-hkVL8UTZjT6hkO5kYn2jr4h&index=22
- Class:KOR1, Section 1
- Email: jxs6598@psu.edu
- Video Title: 나의 주말 (My weekend)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/40j24RKJz_0
- Popularity award (2 students):
Santiago Anaya_Vivian Elaine
- Class: KOR1, Section 7
- Email: ves5120@psu.edu
- Video Title: 나의 금요일 (My Friday)
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/_p1-W5i3HL8
- Class: KOR1, Section 1
- Email: zqw5255@psu.edu
- Video Title: 나의 하루 (May daily life)
Video Link: https://youtu.be/pm3DdTndxhI